
Friday, November 21, 2014

World Chess Match Game 9: Carlsen draws 'better prepared' Anand

Hello chess blog friends, World Chess Championship game 9 was a short draw. It might have been a tad frustrating for World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen as he appeared to have come for a rout with White. However, he admitted that Anand was better prepared. 

“You finished so fast today that the journalists didn't yet finish their coffee”, joked Anastasia Karlovich at the start of the press-conference. However, Magnus Carlsen did not pick up her tone:
“I have no idea when your journalists drink coffee.”

Magnus Carlsen chose to avoid any risks considering the pressure and high stakes in the match. The 13th World Champion Garry Kasparov continues to observe the match closely and shares his impressions on twitter:

“Berlin aside, I also learned that this is a dangerous path. Giving up quick draws with white is a betrayal of Kaissa & she does not like it! Carlsen has a lead and only 3 games to go. But if he starts to believe he can coast to the title it is very dangerous psychologically. The last match was already over by now, a blowout. He may feel very uncomfortable pressure in the final games if it is still so close. This is true with any stressful decision. You just want it to be over, to feel relief, and it can overwhelm all your critical thinking.”

Magnus Carlsen: “Yes, it is frustrating when the opponent is better prepared at this point in the match, but it has been the other way around too.”

Of course, it is in Carlsen's favour to steer all games to draw considering he has a one-point lead, but Anand cannot be discounted. The Indian Grandmaster is known to fight with patience until the very last and could strike at any moment on the smallest of weaknesses. Anand is known to have a fantastic theoretical understanding of chess. Carlsen did well not to risk it at all in Game 9 as he could have been saddled with a weaker positional endgame. 

The match goes on as Carlsen keeps lead. Hope you are enjoying all the excitement watching live and tweeting with chess fans around the world during the match. You can replay the game with Chess King.

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