
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tashir Chess: Alexander Grischuk wins Title, Joins 2800 Club

Hello chess blog friends, top-rated Russian chess talent GM Alexander Grischuk has won the International Tashir Chess Memorial organised in honour of the legendaryTigran Petrosian. The final round was played at the Novotel Moscow City Hotel last evening. 

GM Alexander Grischuk, who had led the tournament for some rounds, drew with former World Chess Champion Vladimir Kramnik to win the title. Grischuk took the title with a score of 5.5 in 7 rounds. The “+4” score permitted Alexander to join the “2800+ elite club” in the FIDE ratings.

Vladimir Kramnik finished second with 4.5 points to his credit.
The third place went to Boris Gelfand, who defeated Peter Leko with White in the final round and scored 4 points. Players had exchanged most of their pieces early in the game, and the main struggle took place in the pawn endgame, in which White gradually outplayed his opponent.

Levon Aronian, who scored the same number of points as Boris Gelfand, took the fourth place as his tiebreak indicators were worse. Black developed an attack en masse against the enemy king and, after the attack itself had ended, obtained a better endgame. In the bishop endgame the Armenian grandmaster outplayed his Russian vis-à-vis.

Alexander Morozevich obtained a promising position as White against Ding Liren but committed an inaccuracy after which all his advantage gradually vanished. The Russian player had sacrificed a pawn, but that was enough only for forcing a draw by perpetual check.

Results of round 7: A. Grischuk – V. Kramnik 1/2, E. Inarkiev – L. Aronian 0-1, B. Gelfand – P. Leko 1-0, A. Morozevich – Ding Liren 1/2

Final standings: 1. A. Grischuk – 5.5, 2. V. Kramnik (both from Russia) – 4.5, 3. B. Gelfand (Israel), 4. L. Aronian (Armenia) – 4. 5. Ding Liren (People’s Republic of China) – 3.5, 6. P. Leko (Hungary) – 2.5, 7-8. A. Morozevich, E. Inarkiev (both from Russia) – 2.

On the same night the closing ceremony of the International TASHIR Chess Tournament in Memory of Tigran Petrosian took place. The attendees were: the President of the ROC Alexander Zhukov, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Igor Levitin, the President of the TASHIR group of companies Samvel Carapetian, the FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the President of the RCF Andrey Filatov, 12th chess world champion Anatoly Karpov, the President of CCIFR Emmanuel Quidet, Director General of CCIFR, Vice-President of the RCF Pavel Shinsky and many others.

After the official part was over, a memorial Tigran Petrosian evening was held where a film about the 9th champion of the world was demonstrated. After that the 12th world champion Anatoly Karpov, a well-known chessplayer and the Armenian National Coach Arshak B. Petrosian, one of the participants of the International TASHIR Chess Tournament in Memory of Tigran Petrosian Levon Aronian and a well-known chess journalist Stanislav Zhelezny shared their memories of Tigran Vartanovich. (FIDE)

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