
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Magnus Carlsen retains World Chess Title with Win in Dramatic Game 11

Hello chess blog friends, World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen retains his world title by beating five-time champion Viswanathan Anand in Sochi today. Carlsen won the 11th game to take his total to 6.5 in the 12-game match despite Anand putting up a gutsy, valiant fight. Ultimately, it were the nerves that mattered as they do in such a high-voltage match. Anand admitted that his nerves cracked first and Carlen could hold himself to take home the title second time in a row. Anand scored 4.5 in the match including a win in Game 3, Carlsen had won Game 2. The other games were drawn.
Game 11: Photo by Anastasiya Karlovich

Anand had the pressure going choosing to play a sharp line in the Berlin and got out of the opening with plenty of scope for a ballistic attack, but he overestimated his chances on the Queenside, went for a faulty exchange sacrifice and could not handle the passed, connected pawns whose power backfired. Carlsen, known to calculate long and hard, found the 'only move' step after step to win the dramatic Game 11 after 27. ...Rb4. 

In the post-game press conference, Anand was all praise for his opponent. Carlsen said he and his team enjoyed their stay in Sochi. Both the players held separate press conferences today which you can replay at the official website along with all the game videos and press conferences.

You can replay the game with Chess King.

FIDE World Chess Championship Carlsen-Anand 2014
The FIDE World Chess Championship match between defending champion Magnus Carlsen and his challenger Viswanathan Anand was held from November 7 (and was to run until November 27, 2014) in Olympic Media Center located in the Adler City District of Sochi, Imeretinsky Valley, on the Black Sea.
The match included twelve games, with time controls of 120 minutes for the first 40 moves, 60 minutes for the next 20 moves and then 15 minutes for the rest of the game, with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move 61. The first person to score 6.5 was to be declared the champion. A tiebreak of faster-time control games would have been held in case of equal scores by both the players after 12 games.

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