
Thursday, October 30, 2014

GM Ivan Ivanisevic wins Chigorin Chess Memorial 2014

Hello chess blog friends, chess talent GM Ivan Ivanisevic has won the Chigorin Chess Memorial 2014. The International Chess Festival “Mikhail Chigorin Memorial 2014 was held on 17-26th October 2014 at Hotel “Park” in Saint Petersburg, the second largest city in Russia.

The 9-round Swiss event with prize fund in the amount of 1.800.000 RUB (nearly 35.000 €) was won by Serbian Olympic representative GM Ivan Ivanisevic with 7.5/9 points.

Russian GM Ivan Bukavshin obtained the same amount of points but had a worse Bucholz score and took the silver.

Third place was shared in an eight-way tie by GM Maxim Rodshtein (Israel), GM S.P. Sethuraman (India), GM Sanan Sjugirov (Russia), GM Evgeny Alekseev (Russia), GM Surya Ganguly (India), GM Vasily Yemelin (Russia), GM Evgeny Levin and GM Pavel Ponkratov on 7 points each. (FIDE)

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