
Saturday, October 18, 2014

9th Continental Chess Championship begins in Brazil, offers 4 slots for Baku World Chess Cup 2015

Hello chess blog friends, a Latin America chess news release states Cuban Grandmasters Isam Ortiz and Lazaro Bruzon will be taking part in the 9th Continental Chess Championship in Brazil starting Saturday. This event extends four tickets to the upcoming World Chess Cup in Baku, Azerbaijan next year.
Bruzón, second best player in Latin America due to his 2679 Elo points, is the top seed of the event. Meanwhile, Ortiz (2611) is the sixth in a list that includes as favorite players Peruvian Julio Granda (2674), the Paraguayan Axel Bachman (2645), Brazilian Rafael Leitao (2636) and American Samuel Shankland (2633).

According to information by the organisers, over 180 participants from 11 nations are expected to attend the competition in the Brazilian city of Rio Grande do Norte. The tournament will run from Oct 18-26. 

In these Continental chess tournament, Bruzón, currently 72nd in the world ranking list, won in 2005 and 2011, while Ortiz, a national champion was second in 2013. Granda took the title in 2012.

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