
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Malaysia Intercollegiate (Chinese) Chess Championships 2014 Begin

Hello chess friends, Xinhua news agency reports from Kuala Lumpur - the capital of Malaysia - that the The 4th Confucius Institute Cup Malaysia intercollegiate Chinese chess competition sponsored by University of Malaya began in the city on Sunday. The competition attracted more than 400 chess players throughout Malaysia. This competition sets up five group events including the primary school group, middle school group, high middle school group, women group and adults group. The champions of each group would form Malaysia chess delegation and visit Guangzhou chess institute in September. They would have several competitions with Chinese players.

Director of the Chinese Embassy Cultural and Education Office in Malaysia, Gao Wei said Chinese chess has a long history and a richness content. It is the essence of Chinese history, culture and wisdom. It would improve the players’ memory, thinking and logical reasoning.

Chen Zhong, Chinese director of Confucius institute, University of Malaya, mentioned that the institute has two purposes: To promote Chinese language and Chinese culture. The institute would hold more similar events in the future.

The Malaysia intercollegiate chess competition is an annual competition which started at 2011. It is one of the highly participated chess competition in Malaysia.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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