
Thursday, January 30, 2014

World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen to Attend Sochi Olympics 2014

Chess Blog for Daily Chess News and Trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2014

Hello everyone,

Norwegian Television TV2 has quoted World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen's manager, Espen Agdestein, as saying that Carlsen plans to attend the Sochi Winter Olympic Games 2014 from February 15-20. Magnus was himself quoted as saying that "I am a Sports fan, so I will follow the Games. It will be fun." ( 

Meanwhile, (in case you missed our previous post) 12th Women's World Chess Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk - a great fan of sports and peace - has posted on her blog about her anticipation for the Games. You can read the full message at

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal chess blog
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