
Friday, January 31, 2014

Blitz Chess Team Event at Gibraltar Festival: China Dragon, 50-50 Joint Winners

Chess Blog for Daily Chess News and Trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2014

Hello everyone,

An interesting blitz team chess event was held this Thursday at the ongoing Gibraltar Chess Festival 2014. China Dragon, made up of a mixed team of Chinese players, tied with 50-50, a team of East European players, to jointly win the Blitz team chess event of the 2014 Tradewise Chess Festival played in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere on Thursday night. 

Blitz winning team China Dragon members Xu Jun (coach) and Natalia Zhukova collect the prizes from Laurent Freyd and Stuart Conquest.
The 50-50 team ahead of the competition.

In Gibraltar for the first time, Chinese players: Li Chao, Wei Yi, Tan Zhongyi and Guo Qi, certainly made their mark. The 50-50 team included: Danil Dobov (Russia), Richard Rapport (Hungary), Natalia Zhukova (Ukraine) and Jovana Vojinovic (Serbia).

This year’s team Blitz chess event saw a record number of entries with 108 players making up 27 teams. They each competed with four players over six rounds. Both winning teams won four matches and drew two. The next Blitz chess event with two players in each team will be held on Sunday evening.

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