
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

$6.3 Million Rouble International Chess Festival Cup of RSSU - Moscow Open 2014 begins

Chess Blog for Daily Chess News and Trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2013

Hello everyone,

The International Chess Festival Cup of RSSU - Moscow Open, 2014 for the prizes of the Russian State Social University and the Moscow Chess Federation will be held in Moscow from 31th January to 10th February 2014 at the Russian State Social University.

The festival consists of eight tournaments.

- Tournament A – Men’s Cup of Russia Stage (price fund is 1500 000 RR, first place is 500 000 RR)
- Tournament B – Women’s Cup of Russia Stage (price fund is 850 000 RR, first place is 300 000 RR)
- Tournament C – Amateurs’ Cup of RSSU (price fund is 500 000 RR, first place is 60 000 RR)
- Tournament D – Veterans’ Cup of RSSU (price fund is 250 000 RR, first place is 40 000 RR)
- Tournament E – World Cup Chess Composition (price fund is 200 000 RR, first place is 40 000 RR)
- Tournament F – Students-grandmasters’ Cup of RSSU (men, price fund is 250 000 RR, first place is 80 000 RR)
- Tournament G – Students-grandmasters’ Cup of RSSU (women, price fund is 250 000 RR, first place is 80 000 RR)
- Tournament H – School Champions’ Cup of RSSU (24 prices - complimentary hotel with meals for 3 winners in each age categories for participation in European School Chess Championship in Greece, June 2014)

Training courses for coaches, referees and organizers will also be held holding during the Festival under the auspices of the Russian Chess Federation and FIDE (Russian language with translation in English).

The total prize fund of the Festival is 6.3 million rouble.

All tournaments (except tournament E) played on the classical scheme (one match per day) with the time control: 90 minutes for 40 moves plus 30 minutes with an increment of 30 seconds per move, starting from the first move. In tournaments H - 90 minutes plus 30 seconds per move, starting from the first move. A forfeit will be awarded for being late by more than 30 minutes. 

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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