
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Komodo Chess Engine leads Chess Computers' Championship TCEC

Chess Blog for Daily Chess News and Trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2013

Hello everyone,

The Komodo chess engine continues to lead the Superfinal of the world’s strongest computer chess championship TCEC. It has a 2 point advantage after round 41, seven rounds before the end. Komodo was off to an exciting start, but Stockfish quickly caught up. The balance of powers maintained until game 25, when Komodo got three consecutive wins. Until game 34 it maintained a four points lead, but them Stockfish started waking up. With two heavy blows in games 40 and 41, the distance was reduced to just two points, seven rounds before the end.

Who will be this year’s Superfinal champion of TCEC? Follow the games live daily on the official website.

Replay annotated Komodo – Stockfish by GM Jacob Aagard here

Read also:
Komodo Chess Engine creator Don Dailey is No More

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal chess blog
Don't miss Chess Queen™
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