
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Komodo Chess Engine author Don Dailey is No More

Chess Blog for Daily Chess News and Trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2013

Hello everyone,

Don Dailey, author of the Komodo chess engine, has passed away after a long battle with leukemia. He left this world November 22, 2013, in Roanoke, Virginia at age 57, just about the same time that Komodo pulled ahead of Stockfish by winning game 2 in the TCEC final.

Don started chess programming in the 80s, and was author and co-author of multiple commercial as well as academical chess programs. He has been active poster in computer chess forums and computer Go newsgroups. More about Don Dailey in this detailed wiki article. The work of Don Dailey will be continued by his partner Larry Kaufmann and the new addition to the team Mark Lefler.

We express deepest condolences to Don’s wife Mary, to his family, to his partners Mark and Larry, and to all his friends and Komodo fans. Read more at

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