
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Carlsen Wins Game 9, Needs 1/2 Point to become World Chess Champion 2013

Chess Blog for Daily Chess News and Trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2013

Hello everyone,

Game 9 at the FIDE World Chess Championship Match on Thursday had absolutely everyone on the edge. World Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand was at his attacking best with a Kingside onslaught, but he faltered and the 28-move game gave World No. 1 a three-point lead in the Match.

Viswanathan Anand changed his opening move to go with 1.d4 which was greeted with an enthusiastic applause in the playing hall. The challenger and world’s top rated player responded with his trusted Nimzo-Indian defence.

Anand repeated the line that he has already used in the match with Vladimir Kramnik in Bonn 2008. Black was obviously well prepared, as he made a rare recapture on move 7 (exd5 instead of more common Nxd5) and then immediately closed the Queenside with 8…c4.

The experts from the Norwegian lounge claimed that this line was analysed among the members of their national team.

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Anand got an impressive pawn mass rolling towards the Black King, while Carlsen created a passed pawn on b3, deep within opponent’s territory. Anand spent around 30 minutes to calculate complicated lines before going all in with 23.Qf4.

White went directly for the checkmate and Black promoted a new queen on b1. However, playing too quickly, Anand erred with 28.Nf1, which effectively concluded the game after Carlsen’s reply 28…Qe1.

Carlsen is now leading 6-3 and needs only one draw in the remaining three games to claim the title of FIDE World Chess Champion.

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1 comment:

  1. It would be helpful to see the board as posted on Facebook. Or an interactive board that one could follow the moves on.

    Love your site just the same,
    Frank L


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