
Monday, October 28, 2013

World Chess Championship: Innovative Campaign to Promote Chess, Fan Support for Anand

Chess Blog for Daily Chess News and Trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2013

Hello everyone,
Promotion of the Anand - Carlsen World Chess Championship is in full swing in Chennai. Chennai is the home city of World Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand. Understandably, there is a considerable chess following there.

The All India Chess Federation (AICF) has started a "signature campaign". It's an interesting way for fans to show support for the World Chess Champion. A vehicle - decorated with posters - tours Chennai. Along the way, fans scribble signatures in support of Viswanathan Anand. 

According to a press release, this special "campaign vehicle" was flagged off from the Nehru stadium recently. The Tamil Nadu Government, AICF and Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu (SDAT) are also hoping to create awareness about the forthcoming World Chess Championship and encourage children to play chess through this signature campaign. 

“This is a good start for the World Chess Championship and people will be more interested in chess as the trend picks up,” said Hariharan, AICF Secretary. “This is a unique way to create awareness — something very wonderful that starts from the land to which Vishwanathan Anand belongs,” added Bharath Singh Chauhan, CEO, AICF. Members from AICF, chess and sports enthusiasts signed on the canvas as a mark of support to Anand.

The AICF has planned to organise several events in the run up to the Championship. An open house competition in which citizens of Chennai will have the opportunity to challenge Indian chess players will be held on Monday. Several chess competitions and training camps were organised for school children by AICF and SDAT in the past month. 

The FIDE World Chess Championship match between Vishwanathan Anand and Magnus Carlsen of Norway will take place from November 7 – 28. You can access the official website here and another nice website on the World Chess Championship here.

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  1. interesting for chess there seems to be a big hype about the event in India

  2. Yeah it's chess big time here ;)


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