
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

World Computer Chess Championship begins with Top Chess Engines

Alexandra Kosteniuk's Chess Blog for Daily Chess News and Trivia (c) 2013

Hi everyone, 
TCEC, the unofficial world computer championship by Martin Thoresen, started this August 26th with the participation of the top chess engines.

It is the second season of the championship, and everyone expects to see how the defending champion Houdini 3 will perform against the new version of Stockfish 4, the new entry Bouquet, and the established Rybka, Komodo, Critter, Gull, and Equinox, all above 3000 ELO.

Right on day 1, TCEC broke two of it’s own records. The first one is the record of highest number of visitors on day 1 of the competition, beating the past January 22nd with close to 175% higher interest. The other one is record of the highest hour EVER registered, beating the previous record hour of May 4th, the most active day during the finals of the previous season.

The tournament director Martin Thoresen comments, “I am very happy about these numbers since they clearly show that there is a big audience out there interested in high quality computer chess. I can’t wait to see how the Season unfolds, it will be a great few months ahead.” (

Results from the first 24 hoursDelphi 3 – Toga II 0-1
Junior 13.3 – Arminius 1-0
Minkochess 1.3 – Nebula 2 1-0
Firefly 2.6 – Onno 0-1
The Baron 3.35a – Spark 1 1/2-1/2

Remaining pairings of round 1Houdini 3 – Sjeng WC2008
Tornado 4.88 – Stockfish 4
Rybka 4.1 – Scorpio 2.76
Jonny 6 – Komodo 1063
Critter 1.6a – Bugchess2 1.9
Crafty 23.6 – Bouquet 1.8
Gull 2.2 – Gaviota 0.87a8
Arasan 16 – Equinox 2b
Naum 4.2 – Exchess 7.15b
Octochess 5178 – Hiarcs 14
Hannibal 220813 – Alfil 13.1
Hamsters 0.71 – Shredder 12
Spike 1.4 – Redqueen 1.14

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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