
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Schwarzacher Chess Open: GM Vitaly Kunin wins Clear First

Alexandra Kosteniuk's Chess Blog for Daily Chess News and Trivia (c) 2013

Hi everyone, 
The 28th Schwarzacher Open was held 17-24th August in Schwarzach, Austria. A total of 148 players from 18 countries competed, including 27 title holders. The majority of participants was from Germany. 

Germany's GM Vitaly Kunin won the main tournament of the Schwarzacher Open with 7 points from nine rounds. On the shared second place, each with 6,5 points, are GM Mladen Palac (CRO) and IM Artem Smirnov (RUS).

The best local player from Salzburg and Austria was Juro Ljubic (5,5 points).

Austrian Peter Mooslechner won the Open B with 7,5/9 points, while the unrated German Gerhard Loew surprised everyone in the Open C to take the first place on tie-break.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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