
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pitching for Chess and Peace: Duncan Glassey

Alexandra Kosteniuk's Chess Blog for Daily Chess News and Trivia (c) 2013

Hi everyone,

Edinburgh-based Wealthflow’s Duncan Glassey is hoping to use his passion for chess to help those less fortunate than him.

Glassey (pictured), who is senior partner at Wealthflow, wants the firm to back a world peace-building programme called Chess for Peace, run by the World Chess Federation and Peace And Sport, an organisation that promotes reconciliation through sport,.

The game is close to Glassey’s heart and he enjoyed success at a young age. Wealthflow plans to gift chess boards and sets.

‘Chess can help children of all ages do better in school as well as develop many important life skills,’ said Glassey.

‘Countless studies have shown that chess can help develop critical thinking that can be used in other areas of a child’s life, academics and social situations.’

Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk is also an ambassador for Chess and Peace. Have you seen this full video post

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