
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Maccabiah International Chess Festival held in Jerusalem

Alexandra Kosteniuk's Chess Blog for Daily Chess News and Trivia (c) 2013

Hi everyone, 

It's been some time since we had chess news from Israel. The Maccabiah International Chess Festival took place on 21-28 July 2013 at the Dan Hotel, Jerusalem – Israel.

The chess tournament included several events at different levels. The GM1 tournament was won by Russian GM Semen Dvoirys, who was the only player to obtain 6 points in the nine rounds. Israelis Danny Raznikov and Alexander Finkel finished second and third, respectively. Experienced GM Boris Avrukh took first place at the GM2 tournament also after getting 6 points. Second and third place went to GM Vitali Golod and IM Avital Voruchovsky.

The IM sections were won by WIM Marsel Efroimski and IM Alexander Kaspi. The open section’s winner was Israeli Ariel Erenberg, who edged Brazilian Davy D’Israel on tiebreaks after both finished with 7.5/9 points.

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