
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Executives' Chess Congress at Western Kentucky - Creative New Concept!

Alexandra Kosteniuk's Chess Blog for Daily Chess News and Trivia (c) 2013

Hi everyone, 

Here is an interesting new chess event: A Leadership Congress Catering to the Enhancement of Presidents, Senior Executives, and Professionals

A master looks at every move he would like to make, even the impossible ones. – Garry Kasparov

The above quote illustrates one of the most admirable qualities of top-level chess players. Grandmasters don't just memorize vast amounts of material, they have an innate ability to look at a situation, come up with a number of potential solutions, and make the right decision that ultimately leads them to victory, writes 
Samuel J. Hunt, CEO, Game of Kings, LLC, President, WKU MasterMind Chess Club, Ed.D. Student, Western Kentucky University.

"I would like to personally invite you to join other top C-level executives and thought-leaders from 20 nations to the inaugural Executive Chess Congress at Western Kentucky University. This special event will be held on April 9-14, 2014 with the objective of establishing a forum for executives to enhance their leadership and decision making skills and to promote the power of the chess network as a method for achieving increased success."

The itinerary for the first two days of the event includes discussions from respected experts in the fields of technology, finance, business strategy, and education. The third day will feature a keynote address by GM Magnus Carlsen, who will also participate in a simul exhibition after a formal dinner. In addition, the event will include various breakout sessions with opportunities to network with colleagues and apply chess learning to solve business issues. Executive seminar speakers include: Mr. Bob Rice, Mr. Dinesh D'Souza, Ms. Tea Lanchava, Dr. Joseph Cangemi, and Mr. Jim Egerton.

On the final day, you will have the opportunity to participate in distinguished workshops sponsored by the WKU Gordon Ford College of Business or in an Executive Chess Tournament. Valuable prize packages worth over $27,000 will be offered to those who finish in the top four positions!

"As an accomplished chess player and leader, I'm confident that you will see the value of this endeavor. This event will help further the success of attendees while fulfilling the mission of providing player-scholars with a path towards chess mastery and future employment opportunities," writes Hunt.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal chess blog 
Don't miss Chess Queen™

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