
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Don't Expect Dull Draws in Anand-Carlsen World Chess Championship 2013

Alexandra Kosteniuk's Chess Blog for Daily Chess News and Trivia (c) 2013

Hi everyone, 

World No. 1 Magnus Carlsen has given innumerable interviews to the Indian media during his short trip to inspect the World Chess Championship 2013 venue. 

Speaking to the Times of India, Carlsen said, in reference to the Anand-Gelfand World Championship 2013, "It was very interesting match from the theoretical point of view with openings and everything. However, I was quite unimpressed with the level of fighting. And it was puzzling. For all the time they put in the preparation, they didn't work harder on the board."

Indeed, some of the games that they played are perceived as dull, short, agreed draws.

When asked about the minimum 30-move clause which could be the part of match regulations, the 22-year-old world No. 1 said: "I will be comfortable with that. You should play till the end. I have been playing that way."

Aruna, Anand's wife and manger, said the world champion is doing fine. "He is preparing for the match with his team outside Chennai," she said. When asked how Anand's preparations are going, Aruna said: "You will come to know about it only when the match starts."

On building a new team after the exit of his long-time seconds Rustam Kasimdzhanov of Uzbekistan and Pieter Heine Nielsen of Denmark, Aruna said: "It's not that they left. Nielsen is working with a different person now and Kasim has moved on. They are still Anand's close friends and well-wishers.

"Chess theory moves faster. And January's ideas could become redundant in June. It's constantly evolving. Having said that, it's no secret that when you train together you share an intimate relationship. You get closer to the person and his mental make-up."

Carlsen, too, kept his cards close to his chest. When asked if he and the great Garry Kasparov are reunited to dethrone Anand, he said: "Who knows?"

He had given a similar answer in 2010 when asked if he was helping Anand prepare against Veselin Topalov for the World championship match.

"I didn't work much with Anand in 2010," said Carlsen of his association with the Indian. "Whatever advice I was able to give then, he did not follow! But I helped him out during the match against Kramnik (Bonn 2008) and World Championship tournament (Mexico 2007). I really hope that it worked for him (that time). It was a great learning experience for me."

Chess, in some ways, is like politics where enemy's enemy can be your potential ally. And your friend today can be tomorrow's big opponent. However, Anand is friendly with most super grandmasters. And Carlsen could find it too risky to hire anyone from a small group of arrogant players who do not share good rapport with Anand.

Carlsen said: "I have learnt a lot from Anand. That's the way you appreciate how great a player he is. He is a nice guy and special player. I hope to get the better of him in our match in November."

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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1 comment:

  1. Amrit Puri, Knights Chess Club, New DelhiAugust 22, 2013 at 3:19 AM

    Actually Anand is misunderstood. He has a calm demeanour so people think he might go for draw but its the chess he doesnt behave foolhardy that's the point


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