
Sunday, June 16, 2013

RIP Hans Suri and Lucio Barvas - Strengths of the Swiss Chess World (Photos Updated)

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2013

Hi everyone,

June 14, 2013 was a sad day for the chess world. Two leading figures of the Swiss chess world have left us. Hans Suri, Studen, has died at the age of 85. Lucio Barvas, living in Uster, has passed away at the age of 78. 

Memories to Inspire: 12th Women's World Chess Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk remembers strengths of the Swiss chess world Lucio Barvas (in photo) and Hans Suri.

GM Alexandra Kosteniuk and Lucio were always happy to meet at chess tournaments where Lucio was either arbiter, or newsletter editor, or internet transmission manager. GM Kosteniuk says, "I will greatly miss my dear friend Lucio."

Lucio Barvas Photios was well known in the chess world - particularly Switzerland and of course Biel. For many years, he remained the arbiter and newsletter editor of the international festival and also for the Swiss Championship (CSI). He was known nationally as Swiss representative of ChessBase, a position he held for two decades and earned him the nickname "Mister ChessBase". His love for computers started in the 80s, when he won the first official championship of computer correspondence, organised by the former Swiss working Chess Federation (FOSE).

Unforgettable Friends: 12th Women's World Chess Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk flanked by Hans Suri (Left) and Lucio Barvas.

The name of Hans Suri is inseparable from the Biel Chess Festival. He organised the event for the first time in the summer of 1968 in a small hotel. There was no looking back. Hans Suri remained the festival's director for three decades as the chess festival grew in stature and reputation. Today, the festival as an important part of the international calendar.

In 1976, 1985 and 1993, Hans Suri even brought the Interzonal tournament to Biel. To his great commitment, the Swiss Chess Federation of the time and his club SG Biel had elected him as a honorary member. After retiring from the tournament, Hans Suri has regularly played the tournament. He participated in the 45 th edition in July 2012.

Hans Suri in 1985 sitting next to Jan Timman and Timman's wife. Han Suri is speaking to Jean Py (hidden by Timman's wife).

We offer our deepest sympathy on the passing of Hans Suri and Lucio Barvas. We salute them for their contribution to the chess world and their great chess legacy. May their families find peace and comfort in knowing that their loss is felt by all who knew and loved him. May the Lord give strength to their families and peace upon the departed souls.

Hans Suri in 2011 - New Horizons into the Light

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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  1. Sorry about this

  2. It's very sad to lose a friend. May God grant peace.


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