
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"Peace and Sport" and FIDE take Chess to Palestine

12th Women's World Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk's Chess Blog for Latest Chess News and Trivia (c) 2013

Hi everyone, 

We have here a nice letter from Ludovic Hubler, Head of Programmes and Field Operations, Peace and Sport, L'Organisation pour la Paix par le Sport.
Peace and Sport and FIDE were together in Palestine this week to follow up on the “Chess for leadership and creativity” common project launched in November 2011, part of the common worldwide program “Chess for Peace”.

“Chess for leadership and creativity” is the third common project after Haiti and Colombia. This project mainly focuses on Palestinian women empowerment using chess as a tool.

During this trip, FIDE was represented by IM Damir Levacic, President of the Mediterranean Chess Union. Peace and Sport was represented by Ludovic Hubler Head of Programmes and Field Operations.  

During this four-day trip, the team visited each of the 5 beneficiary centers: Qatanna (near Ramallah), Shiraa (Bethlehem), Al Mahawer (near Hebron), Kfar Akeb and Las Khamis (near Jerusalem) and of course met with the Palestinian Chess Federation.  

Ludovic Hubler writes, "I have to say that Damir and myself were quite impressed to see the progresses made by each of the beneficiary centers. Their level has increased a lot over the past year and a half, to the point that one of these centers (Qatanna) is now considered the best in Palestine for women. Some of the beneficiary girls have even participated in International competitions (Russia, Qatar and Turkey) and one of them managed to meet 12th Women's World Chess Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk, Peace and Sport Champion for Peace and “godmother” of the project." 

"I’d like to, through this email, acknowledge the work done by FIDE expert Damir Levacic who gave all his energy to teach some new techniques for the beneficiary people and to play with some of them. Everybody there enjoyed his visit as well as Melissa visit last year. Everybody seems to have kept a great memory of her stay there. We are in touch for the next steps in our cooperation."

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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