
Monday, May 13, 2013

US Chess Championship 2013: GoddessChess Fighting Chess Award goes to Anna Zatonskih

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2013

Hi everyone, 

The GoddessChess Fighting Chess Award 2013 goes to four-time US Chess Champion Anna Zatonskih for her great fighting spirit at the US Women's Chess Championship 2013. The 12th Women's World Chess Champion, Chess Queen™ Alexandra Kosteniuk, was the judge for the award and decided to give the award to Anna Zatonskih. Goddesschess has sponsored a special prize at the U.S. Women's Chess Championship since 2007, except for 2012.
As you know, Irina Krush has won the US Women's Chess Championship 2013 this Sunday. (Read the full Chess Blog post.) Zatonskih lost Round 3 to Irina Krush, but came back to continue fighting and winning games. In the end she stood second - behind the eventual champion - by only 1/2 point. It is indeed the mark of a true champion to come back after a loss and win game after game to get to the second spot in the standings. She never gave up and fought hard even when it required pretty long games against determined opponents. Here are the US Women's Chess Championship 2013 Final Standings:

Interestingly, either Krush or Zatonskih have been the clear favorite to win the US Women's Chess Champion title each of the past five years! Outside of chess, Anna has a variety of interests from bicycling to ping pong to scuba diving. She is coached by her husband, German Grandmaster Daniel Friedman.

A rightful winner chosen by an equally spirited judge! GM Kosteniuk is herself known for her unique fighting chess style and attacking play. 

Also Read on Chess Blog:

Here is a nice game played by the winner of the GoddessChess Fighting Spirit Award. Zatonskih kept at it even though the advantage slipped a couple of times, but she continued to press on and win. Eventually, it's the big weakness on h6, when Foisor resigned, that leads to a long forced collapse.

A Zatonskih (2466) - S Foisor (2300)

Result: 1-0
Site: Saint Louis USA
Date: 2013.05.12

[...] 1.d4 g6 2.e4 ¥g7 3.¤f3 d6 4.¤c3 ¤d7 5.¥c4 e6 6.O-O h6 7.¥e3 a6 8.a4 b6 9.£e2 ¤e7 10.¦ad1 O-O 11.h3 ¥b7 12.¥b3 ¢h7 13.¤h2 ¤g8 14.f4 £e7 15.¥f2 ¦ae8 16.¥c4 ¤b8 17.¤f3 f5 18.e5 ¥xf3 19.£xf3 d5 20.¥d3 £b4 21.¦b1 c5 22.¦fc1 ¤e7 23.¦a1 cxd4 24.¤e2 ¤ec6 25.c3 £e7 26.¤xd4 ¦c8 27.¢h1 ¦fd8 28.g4 £f7 29.¦g1 ¦g8 30.¦g2 ¥xe5 31.gxf5 exf5 32.fxe5 ¤xe5 33.£d1 ¦ce8 34.£c2 ¤xd3 35.£xd3 ¦e4 36.¦ag1 g5 37.¤f3 £h5 38.¤d2 ¦g7 39.£xd5 ¦f4 40.¥g3 £xh3+ 41.¦h2 £g4 42.¥xf4 £xf4 43.¦f1 £c7 44.£xf5+ ¢g8 45.£d5+ ¢h7 46.¤e4 ¤d7 47.£f5+ ¢g8 48.£e6+

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at
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1 comment:

  1. Well, I was closely following the US Chess Championships, and would say GM kosteniuk choice is just very good. I would have gone for Zatonskih myself.


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