
Friday, May 24, 2013

Not Chess News, but 'Chess-Triggered' Food for Thought

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2013

Hi everyone, 

We just found these two very interesting articles which are not directly related to chess, but have a chess motif and worth reading. The first one is controversial and disturbing, but has a "chess man" link. The second article reminds us about a debate we've conducted here on Chess Blog before!

1. Bring up the bodies: a controversial anatomy exhibit comes to Moscow

by Joy Neumeyer

A man sits playing chess. Hunched over in concentration, he reaches to move one of his pieces. He could be any lover of the game - only his brain is exposed, as are all of his muscles. The chess man is one of dozens of bodies on display in "Mysteries of the Body: The Universe Within," now at Moscow's Vetoshny Art Center. The macabre traveling exhibit displays human specimens preserved by "plastination," a process that replaces body fluids with liquid plastic. It's spurred human rights protests, bitter rivalries between scientists - and in Moscow, as in most previous locations, it's a packed house.

Before coming to Moscow, "Our Body: The Universe Within" (the show's international title) had successful runs in the U.S., Europe and South America; other parts of the collection are now on display in Florida and Nicaragua. (You can read the full article here.)

2. Not Just a Pretty Face

In chess, there is a tactic called 'The Cleavage Attack'. This is where a woman leans in, her breasts pressing towards the table behind her opponent's troops, so disconcerting him that she wins the game. Is this the kind of game we want to play? Is this the kind of recipe for success that we want to write? That is one of the subjects for debate at 'How The Light Gets In', the festival of philosophy and music which runs down by the river at Hay, in parallel with the literary festival. The premise is that we openly discriminate in favour of intelligence. The question is whether this is a mistake: ought we to prize beauty as much as brains? Or, to put it in the terms of Catherine Hakim, one of the panellists, ought we to maximise and reward erotic capital? (You can read the full article here.) 

But, that reminds us about a Chess Blog debate!

Psychology: Are Beauty and IQ related?

Check it out. If you have still not commented, maybe you would like to! Have fun playing chess and reading Chess Blog.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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  1. I like chess in art, but that's kinda scary article

  2. very interesting chess exhibit there. Of course I agree beauty and brains go together chess is the best example and Chess Queen Alexandra is the best example. :)

  3. T. Sathya, ChennaiMay 25, 2013 at 9:40 AM

    I like how chess finds its way into so many other aspects of our life. Thanks for sharing. Wish I could be in Moscow now. hmmmm. I believe everyone ever born in Moscow knows how to play chess. By the way, great chess blog Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk. Just found it.


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