
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Serbia Chess 2013: Boban Bogosavljevic is National Champion

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2013

Hi everyone, 

Grandmaster Boban Bogosavljevic became the new Serbian Champion after the convincing victory at the event held in Vrnjacka Banja on 15-27th April. Bogosavljevic, who celebrated 25th birthday during the final rounds, conceded only four draws to complete the Championship with 10/12 points, leaving the second placed IM Aleksandar Indjic full two points behind. Bogosavljevic earned 38 elo points.

The 17-years old Aleksandar Indjic also has a reason to celebrate as he scored his third GM norm and completed all title requirements in only seven months. Indjic thus became the youngest Serbian Grandmaster ever, according to a Chessdom report.

Boban Bogosavljevic

Final standings:
1. GM Bogosavljevic Boban 2512 – 10
2. IM Indjic Aleksandar 2519 – 8
3. GM Damljanovic Branko 2536 – 7.5
4-5. GM Popovic Dusan 2558 and GM Kovacevic Aleksandar 2571 – 6.5
6-8. GM Brenjo Slavisa 2516, GM Sedlak Nikola 2577 and GM Miladinovic Igor 2569 – 6
9. GM Savic Miodrag R 2539 – 5
10. IM Perunovic Miodrag 2434 – 4.5
11-12. GM Tosic Miroslav 2412, IM Cvetkovic Srdjan 2389 and Ratkovic Milovan 2296 – 4

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