
Friday, April 26, 2013

Junior Chess Champions Russia 2013: Vladislav Artemiev and Alina Kashlinskaya

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2013

Hi everyone, 

Vladislav Artemiev and Alina Kashlinskaya have become the Russian Junior boys and girls chess champions 2013. The event was held from April 15-24 immediately after the Russian Team Chess Championship in Loo. Vladislav Artemiev took clear first place in the boys' section. 

Alina Kashlinskaya went into the final round with a half-point lead over Valery Rjanova but won the title as the latter lost to Dina Belenkaya. A detailed report is up (in Russian) at

Final Standings
1 IM Artemiev Vladislav 2499 6.0
2 IM Stukopin Andrey 2500 5.5
3 GM Bukavshin Ivan 2522 5.5
4 IM Belous Vladimir 2560 5.5
5 Predke Alexandr 2481 4.0
6 FM Gordievsky Dmitry 2443 4.0
7 IM Eliseev Urii 2541 4.0
8 IM Chigaev Maksim 2454 4.0
9 IM Oparin Grigoriy 2496 3.5
10 IM Pakhomov Egor 2454 3.0

Final Standings 
1 WGM Kashlinskaya Alina 2305 5.0
2 FM Pustovoitova Daria 2269 4.5
3 WFM Belenkaya Dina 2180 4.5
4 WFM Gvanceladze Anna 2183 4.5
5 WFM Rjanova Valery 2170 4.5
6 Petrova Olga 2238 3.5
7 WFM Suslova Alena 2194 3.5
8 WIM Bivol Alina 2223 3.0
9 WFM Petrukhina Irina 2222 3.0

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at
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