
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Chess included in Bangladesh Games 2013 for the First Time

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2013

Hi everyone, 

Chess has been included this year in the VIII Bangladesh Games that run from April 20-28. The Bangladesh Games - usually held every four years - include 31 disciplines. This time the Games are being held after a gap of 11 years with support from the Bangladesh Olympic Association. Chess has been included for the first time.

There are three chess events in the Games: Classical Chess Mixed Team, Men Individual Rapid and Women Individual Rapid.

Men Individual Rapid and Women Individual Rapid were held on 21st and 22nd April. Both events were held in nine round Swiss-League system. A totoal of 94 players including five Grandmasters and two International Masters from around 60 divisions, districts, forces, universities and other government organisations of the country participated in the Men's Rapid Individual Rapid Chess.

GM Enamul Hossain of Bangladesh won the event with GM Ziaur Rahman and FM Kh. Aminul Islam being second and third. In the Women's Rapid Individual 50 players including two WIMs took part. WIM Shamima Akter Liza won the event followed by WIM Rani Hamid of Titas Gas T. & D. Co Ltd. and Shamiha Sharmin Shimmi. More details about upcoming chess events at the Bangladesh Games are available at the Fide website.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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1 comment:

  1. Great to have Begum Hamida playing. Chess is really good now in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka but we have much to do. Great initiative.


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