
Monday, March 11, 2013

Candidates Chess London March 14 - Pairings ad Curtainraiser

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2013

Hi everyone, 

The Guardian has carried a super curtainraiser on the upcoming Candidates Chess matches in London from March 14. Most fans are betting on World No. 1 Magnus Carlsen to win the tournament and obtain the chance to challenge Viswanathan Anand for the world title. Here is one of the best articles with a preview and analysis of this must-watch historic event!

Chess prodigy Magnus Carlsen enters endgame for world title

22-year-old grandmaster labelled greatest ever player hopes to earn right to play for world championship at London tournament
Stephen Moss in Oslo

Magnus Carlsen has been described as the greatest chess player of all time. Photograph: Fred Jonny for the Guardian

Norwegian prodigy Magnus Carlsen is the Tiger Woods of chess. In a good way. Just as Woods, before his fall, established an iron grip on golf, so Carlsen, at the age of 22, has made himself supreme in his own more esoteric field. He became world No 1 while still a teenager, and is now officially rated the strongest player of all time.

What he is not, however, is world champion. That title has been held since 2007 by India's Viswanathan Anand, a great player but 20 years older than Carlsen and now rated only No 6 in the world. The time may be ripe for the young genius, and, in a three-week tournament that starts in London on Thursday, Carlsen and seven other top grandmasters will compete for the right to challenge Anand for his crown later in the year. (Continue reading here.)

Meanwhile, the official website of the event has details of the venue and profiles of the players as well. You can access the site here. In the extended post, you can read the full pairings for all the rounds of the Candidates Chess matches 2013.

FIDE World Chess Candidates Tournament 2013

Round 1 on 2013/03/15
SNo. Name Res. Name SNo.
1 GM Aronian Levon - GM Carlsen Magnus 8
2 GM Gelfand Boris - GM Radjabov Teimour 7
3 GM Ivanchuk Vassily - GM Grischuk Alexander 6
4 GM Svidler Peter - GM Kramnik Vladimir 5

Round 2 on 2013/03/16
SNo. Name Res. Name SNo.
8 GM Carlsen Magnus - GM Kramnik Vladimir 5
6 GM Grischuk Alexander - GM Svidler Peter 4
7 GM Radjabov Teimour - GM Ivanchuk Vassily 3
1 GM Aronian Levon - GM Gelfand Boris 2

Round 3 on 2013/03/17
SNo. Name Res. Name SNo.
2 GM Gelfand Boris - GM Carlsen Magnus 8
3 GM Ivanchuk Vassily - GM Aronian Levon 1
4 GM Svidler Peter - GM Radjabov Teimour 7
5 GM Kramnik Vladimir - GM Grischuk Alexander 6

Round 4 on 2013/03/19
SNo. Name Res. Name SNo.
8 GM Carlsen Magnus - GM Grischuk Alexander 6
7 GM Radjabov Teimour - GM Kramnik Vladimir 5
1 GM Aronian Levon - GM Svidler Peter 4
2 GM Gelfand Boris - GM Ivanchuk Vassily 3

Round 5 on 2013/03/20
SNo. Name Res. Name SNo.
3 GM Ivanchuk Vassily - GM Carlsen Magnus 8
4 GM Svidler Peter - GM Gelfand Boris 2
5 GM Kramnik Vladimir - GM Aronian Levon 1
6 GM Grischuk Alexander - GM Radjabov Teimour 7

Round 6 on 2013/03/21
SNo. Name Res. Name SNo.
4 GM Svidler Peter - GM Carlsen Magnus 8
5 GM Kramnik Vladimir - GM Ivanchuk Vassily 3
6 GM Grischuk Alexander - GM Gelfand Boris 2
7 GM Radjabov Teimour - GM Aronian Levon 1

Round 7 on 2013/03/23
SNo. Name Res. Name SNo.
8 GM Carlsen Magnus - GM Radjabov Teimour 7
1 GM Aronian Levon - GM Grischuk Alexander 6
2 GM Gelfand Boris - GM Kramnik Vladimir 5
3 GM Ivanchuk Vassily - GM Svidler Peter 4

Round 8 on 2013/03/24
SNo. Name Res. Name SNo.
8 GM Carlsen Magnus - GM Aronian Levon 1
7 GM Radjabov Teimour - GM Gelfand Boris 2
6 GM Grischuk Alexander - GM Ivanchuk Vassily 3
5 GM Kramnik Vladimir - GM Svidler Peter 4

Round 9 on 2013/03/25
SNo. Name Res. Name SNo.
5 GM Kramnik Vladimir - GM Carlsen Magnus 8
4 GM Svidler Peter - GM Grischuk Alexander 6
3 GM Ivanchuk Vassily - GM Radjabov Teimour 7
2 GM Gelfand Boris - GM Aronian Levon 1

Round 10 on 2013/03/27
SNo. Name Res. Name SNo.
8 GM Carlsen Magnus - GM Gelfand Boris 2
1 GM Aronian Levon - GM Ivanchuk Vassily 3
7 GM Radjabov Teimour - GM Svidler Peter 4
6 GM Grischuk Alexander - GM Kramnik Vladimir 5

Round 11 on 2013/03/28
SNo. Name Res. Name SNo.
6 GM Grischuk Alexander - GM Carlsen Magnus 8
5 GM Kramnik Vladimir - GM Radjabov Teimour 7
4 GM Svidler Peter - GM Aronian Levon 1
3 GM Ivanchuk Vassily - GM Gelfand Boris 2

Round 12 on 2013/03/29
SNo. Name Res. Name SNo.
8 GM Carlsen Magnus - GM Ivanchuk Vassily 3
2 GM Gelfand Boris - GM Svidler Peter 4
1 GM Aronian Levon - GM Kramnik Vladimir 5
7 GM Radjabov Teimour - GM Grischuk Alexander 6

Round 13 on 2013/03/31
SNo. Name Res. Name SNo.
7 GM Radjabov Teimour - GM Carlsen Magnus 8
6 GM Grischuk Alexander - GM Aronian Levon 1
5 GM Kramnik Vladimir - GM Gelfand Boris 2
4 GM Svidler Peter - GM Ivanchuk Vassily 3

Round 14 on 2013/04/01
SNo. Name Res. Name SNo.
8 GM Carlsen Magnus - GM Svidler Peter 4
3 GM Ivanchuk Vassily - GM Kramnik Vladimir 5
2 GM Gelfand Boris - GM Grischuk Alexander 6
1 GM Aronian Levon - GM Radjabov Teimour 7

There's also a nice preview in the US Chess Federation website by IM Greg Shahade. (Click on photo to read)

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