
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Zurich Chess Challenge 2013 from Feb 23 with Anand, Kramnik, Caruana, Gelfand

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

The World Champion Viswanathan Anand, his most recent challenger Boris Gelfand, the former World Champion Vladimir Kramnik and the rising star Fabiano Caruana will be competing in the second Zurich Chess Challenge. From 23 February to 1 March 2013 they will face each other in a double round-robin tournament at the Savoy Hotel, Paradeplatz, Zurich. The games will be played with a classical time-control of 2 hours for 40 moves, 1 hour for the next 20 moves and 15 minutes plus a 30-second increment for the remainder of the game. In case of a draw before move 40, an additional exhibition game will be played (result not counting).

Following on from the 2012 Zurich Chess Challenge, which was a match between Kramnik and Levon Aronian, the main sponsor, Oleg Skvortsov of International Gemological Laboratories, Moscow, is making it possible for another highly attractive event to be staged by the Zurich Chess Club.

The 2013 tournament marks the sixtieth anniversary of the legendary Candidates Tournament, won by Vassily Smyslov, and will be a highlight of the chess calendar. You can access the official website here.

Vladimir Kramnik (Russia, Elo 2810, #2 on the current World ranking list),
Fabiano Caruana (Italy, 2781, #5),
Viswanathan Anand (India, 2772, #7),
Boris Gelfand (Israel, 2740, #16).

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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  1. that's a cool tournament might as well added two more and made a nice six pack - are one of these players playing in the candidates

  2. zurich is becoming the next capital of chess tournaments after london and wijk aan zee i think


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