
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tashkent Chess Grand Prix: Karjakin, Morozevich, Wang Hao Joint Winners

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

Sergey Karjakin, Alexander Morozevich and Wang Hao have jointly won the second stage of the FIDE Grand Prix in Tashkent. The results were clear only after the final round thanks to big fights on all the boards throughout the tournament. In the final round, Rustam Kasimdzhanov decided to enter Sveshnikov, but Boris Gelfand once again proved to be absolutely ready in this opening and managed to equalize the position without much trouble. Shakhriyar Mamedjarov and Wang Hao finished the game after four hours of play. Chinese player not only outplayed one of the leaders but got quite good theoretical chance for the sole victory in the tournament if Morozevich would lose against Svidler and other players with +1 would fail to win. Wang Hao said at the press-conference he felt he was going to play good in this tournament: Last period in my life was so difficult, I suffered so much, that I had feeling I deserve some luck! Nevertheless, Alexander Morozevich pulled off a draw and caught Wang Hao.

The game between two Russian players - Peter Svidler and Alexander Morozevich - turned to be spectacular despite the final result of a draw. Check out the game with Chess King.

Sergey Karjakin got a huge advantage but Ruslan Ponomariov was stoically defending till the end and had some chances to save half a point. After 6,5 hours of play Sergey finally defeated his opponent to share the first place in Grand Prix. Fabiana Caruana and Peter Leko made a draw after the long struggle in Scandinavian Defence, so Fabiano lost his chance to join the group of winners. Lienier Dominguez succeeded to win one game in the tournament. His opponent Gata Kamsky played a bit risky today and Cuban player got a decisive advantage.

Earlier, the tenth round was equally exciting. Three decisive games were played bringing new leaders to the top of the table. Sole overnight leader of the tournament, after the ninth round, Sergey Karjakin was defeated by Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, who replaced his opponent on the top of the table. Alexander Morozevich rejoined the lead once again after his victory over Peter Leko. Ruslan Ponomariob outplayed Lenier Domingues and shared the third place with Caruana Fabiano, Sergey Karjakin, Wang Hao and Rustam Kasimdzhanov.

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1 comment:

  1. grand prix cycle very strong last one also had three winners


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