
Saturday, December 22, 2012

MAKITA Women's Chess: Indonesia Beats France

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,
13th Women's World Chess Champion Hou Yifan with the Indonesian chess team.

Indonesia wrapped up the MAKITA Women Chess Match against France at the Sekolah Catur Utut Adianto with a fighting 2-2 draw to complete a comprehensive victory. France won the Blitz 3-1 on the opening day but then it was all Indonesia with 10-6 in the Rapid matches and now 9.5-6.5 in Classical chess, according to the latest chess news report via Chessdom.

Indonesia also dominated the individual awards cumulating scores from all events, Medina Warda Aulia first with 7.5/9, Sophie Millet second with 6.5 points,and Irine Kharisma Sukandar and Dewi AA Citra sharing third and fourth with 4.5 points each. In a grand day of chess, visiting Hou Yifan was a guest at the match and gave a simultaneous exhibition to a large group of strong players drawn from young talents from national youth teams and students from the chess school. Utut Adianto was guest of honour at the closing ceremony while long time Indonesia chess patron and match sponsor Eka Wirya gave away the prizes.

The MAKITA Women Chess Match offered a total prize fund of USD 12,000 with all participants winning generous prizes.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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