
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Funny Chess Video: Who's Stealing Chess Pieces?

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

Here is a cute and funny chess video. Did anyone ever run away with your chess pieces?

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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1 comment:

  1. I was a sophomore in college and was hanging out with my roommate at a local coffee house. We were having a great time with the jazz, caffeine and chess. We closed the place down, still engaged in our game. We recorded our positions and decided to finish the game at the dorm.

    I wanted to remember that night, so I stole the knight. It was a carved, wooden piece. While going through some old boxes last year, I came across it. I felt guilty for defacing the set. Visions of future players having to compensate that slot with a pepper shaker made me sad.

    A few months later, I got the opportunity to return to that city and decided to return to the scene of the crime. After ordering my drink, I asked if they still had that specific chess board. The piece was in my pocket. The board was gone.

    That knight sits before me now. It is a sphinx, and my shame is its curse. I can't bring myself to throw it away, for that would doom the entire series of events to being a total waste. I will never again do anything so wrong like steal another chess piece.


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