
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Australasian Chess Masters: 11-Year-Old Anton Smirnov Makes History

Chess blog Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

Australasian Masters 2012: Eleven-year old school boy Anton Smirnov has just made history in Australian Chess history, according to Fide chess news. 

Anton with his dad Vladimir Smirnov: 
Yes, they met in the last round and no mercy!

In just completed Australasian Masters 2012 tournament the youngest participant 11-year old Anton Smirnov became the youngest ever winner of this traditional event. Anton is #1 rated player in the world in his age-group (born 2001) and has been playing chess for nearly eight years!

In the last round Anton met his toughest opponent in the tournament - his dad, International Master Vladimir Smirnov. After a big fight the game ended in a draw allowing Anton to win the tournament, collecting $600 for his effort, not bad for a Grade 5 student.  The traditional International Master Norm round robin event had been held in Melbourne for the last 24 years.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
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