
Monday, November 26, 2012

Magnus Carlsen beats 'The World' in Mexico Vote Chess

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

World No. 1 Magnus Carlsen has beaten the World in a special vote chess match at the 2nd Grand Chess Festival held at Mexico's National Autonomous University, or UNAM, in Mexico. The match lasted two hours and Carlsen faced off thousands of players online. The audience comprising 'the world' selected from among three potential moves presented to them at every step in the match, and the move receiving the most votes was the one made against Carlsen, who then responded with his own move. On the 38th move, "The World," which played black, resigned.

This was not the only triumph of the day for Carlsen, who at the same time played black against a portion of the crowd in the Nezahuacoyotl hall at UNAM and eventually forced them to resign also. The 21-year-old grandmaster's activities at the chess festival will conclude on Monday with a rapid, blind match against the winner of Sunday's game between grandmasters Judith Polgar of Hungary and Mexico's Manuel Leon Hoyos.

You can replay the game with Chess King: Magnus Carlsen vs the World in Mexico in the extended post.

Magnus Carlsen - The World

Result: 1-0
Site: Mexico
Date: 25.11.12
[...] 1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.¤xd4 ¤f6 5.¤c3 a6 6.h3 e5 7.¤de2 ¥e7 8.g4 O-O 9.¤g3 ¤bd7 10.¤f5 ¤c5 11.¥g2 ¥e6 12.O-O b5 13.a3 ¦c8 14.f4 ¤a4 15.¤xa4 bxa4 16.g5 ¤d7 17.¤xe7+ £xe7 18.f5 ¥c4 19.¦f2 f6 20.g6 h6 21.¥e3 ¤c5 22.¦d2 ¦fd8 23.£e1 £b7 24.¦ad1 £xb2 25.¦xd6 ¦xd6 26.¦xd6 £xa3 27.£d2 ¤d3 28.¦d7 ¥b5 29.¦d5 ¤f4 30.¦c5 ¦e8 31.¦c7 £a1+ 32.¢h2 ¢h8 33.c4 a3
(33...£b1 34.cxb5 £xb5 35.¥xf4 exf4 36.£xf4 £b6 37.£c1 a3 38.¦c8 £d6+ 39.¢h1 ¦f8 40.£c4 (0:00:00) 31...Qa1+)
34.cxb5 £b2 35.bxa6 £xd2 36.¥xd2 ¤e2 37.¦c4 a2 38.¦a4

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