
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Imre Konig Chess Memorial Held in San Francisco

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

The latest Fide chess tournament news is about the Mechanics’ Institute Chess Club of San Francisco having organised the Third Imre Konig Chess Memorial on September 22-23 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the death of International Master Konig, the first top-rated chess player to reside in San Francisco.

The event, sponsored by Tibor Weinberger, was a seven-player round-robin, featuring a rapid time control of Game in 25 minutes, with a 15-second increment from move one.

Top six rated players from the Bay Area were invited – Grandmasters Sam Shankland, Nick de Firmian, Vinay Bhat, Jesse Kraai and Walter Browne, and International Master Daniel Naroditsky. The last player, Grandmaster Emil Anka of Hungary, pays respect to Konig’s ancestry as an international cosmopolitan who was born in the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Kula, in today’s Serbia.

Final standings:

1-2. GM Sam Shankland 2601 and IM Daniel Naroditsky 2483 – 4/6
3-4. GM Jesse Kraai 2514 and GM Nick de Firmian 2510 – 3,5
5. GM Emil Anka 2382 – 3,0
6. GM Vinay Bhat 2511 – 2,0
7. GM Walter Browne 2449 – 1,0
Prizes: 1. $2000 2. $1500 3. $1000 4. $900 5. $800 6. $700 7. $600

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at
Don't miss 

1 comment:

  1. thanks i am glad you don't miss any news to do with american chess!


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