
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Innovative Chess Artwork by Canadian Artists for US Prez Barack Obama Re-election!

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

A Canadian couple has come up with an innovative chess design artwork for US President Barack Obama's re-election bid in 2012.  Jurik Designs has created captivating artwork titled “Obama – Issues 2012” to support the President's re-election campaign and is available as a free download.

Ann and Peter Jurik of Jurik Designs is a Canadian based husband and wife design team. To support President Obama’s reelection, they created the "Obama - Issues 2012" artwork to not only inspire but encourage discussion and remind voters about the Key issues that are at stake. The artwork is available as a free download at The Artists request that individuals who download the free artwork make an Obama reelection contribution directly to the donation fund.

According to Ann and Peter Jurik, "We chose a Chess analogy for this artwork because we feel that President Obama is similar to a great chess player - smart, thoughtful, informed, tactical and considers all options and repercussions before making final decisions. The theme of the image and what makes it unique is that it showcases the important issues of this election and what is at risk of being lost.”

The original artwork is based on the famous chess match Kasparov vs Topalov 1999. 

The original 25 3/4" X 37" pencil drawing of "Obama - Issues 2012," depicts a bold and striking image of President Obama in the image foreground. Behind the President is a dramatic, eye-grabbing chess board and game where symbolic images represent the important issues of this campaign. The 44 chess squares shown on the chess board are symbolic of Obama's 44th Presidency. Along with chess game pieces, the other images on the squares represent the issues of President Obama's 2012 re-election campaign. 

For example, there's an apple representing education; the Statue of Liberty is for immigration; the windmill symbolizes energy; the medical symbol represents healthcare. Some of the President's strengths and objectives are also depicted: the handshake represents integrity and honor; while the world map is a sign for both global diplomacy and leadership. The climatic moment of the chess game depicted is when one brilliant move of the game is being played out.

Jurik Designs said that they hope the image will act as a conversation piece during the election season to incite discussions about the issues, to remind people to vote and to serve as a keepsake of this historical election.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


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