
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Friend Boris Kutin's Tribute to Chess Legend Svetozar Gligoric

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

Fide has published a very nice 'In memoriam' piece dedicated to Svetozar Gligoric by his long-time friend Boris Kutin. 

He writes, "To play against pieces? (Songs) strange, quite strange. But not for those who knew Svetozar Gligoric very well. It was not a coincidence that Gliga, for his greatest book, in fact his biography, picked up such an unusual title: I Play Against Pieces.

"So, this means that chess is not a sport? No, not at all. Such way of thinking does not lead to the right answer. Enigma is deeper, it is Gligoric's axiom which he was following from the very beginning until very end. The objective is definitely a victory, but not in victory only. The point is victory in the most honest way. It is necessary to win the balance of the opponent's pieces and not a man who sits in the other side of the table..." 

This is only an excerpt. The tribute is an insight into the thinking of a great chess player. You can read the full article at this Fide link. You would also like to read the following Chess Blog and Chess King posts about the great Gligoric:

Chess King Tribute: Tigran Petrosian-Svetozar Gligorić 0-1
Chess legend releases music album in Belgrade
R.I.P. Chess Legend Svetozar Gligorić is No More

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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