
Thursday, July 5, 2012

World Chess Fed chief, Boxing Champ Launch Online Gaming Project Geo-Social Games

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

Fide president Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and boxing world champion Alexander Krasyuk of K2 Promotions have launched a new gaming project called 'Geo-Social Games' that is aimed at organising international tournaments in sports and games like chess, draughts, boxing, football, bridge, etc. They addressed a special press conference for the launch along with Anatoly Yatsenko, president of the Ukrainian Draughts Fed, Vladimir Kolomiez and Oleg Savchuk.

The Ukrainian specialists have invented and patented technologies that enable any individual to participate with thousands and millions of other individuals in an online game, which previously only played by two. This absolutely new product is intended for world markets of sport, games and gadgets and was invented by World Boxing Champion, founder of “K2 Promotions” Mr. Vitaly Klitschko and FIDE President Mr. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.

The project developers were the first who managed to combine the intellectual and economic component based on the principles of redistribution of winning in a product called “Geo-social Games”. The point of this project is the organization of global international tournaments of intellectual and other sports (chess, draughts, boxing, football, bridge, etc.) by means of information and telecommunication technologies. Each person regardless of his or her social status and means can earn a significant amount and be recognized by his or her intellect. 

Chess and boxing will be the leading sectors of “Geo-social Games”, which will allow unlimited number of people to be involved in these sports.
“To think a step ahead, develop the logic and thinking - these qualities are important not only for chess players or boxers, they are useful in the life of every person. ‘K2 Promotions’ supports this project, as it can become a new global strategy of refocusing the youth on a healthy lifestyle regardless of place of residence and income. Besides, part of prize funds will be directed on the stipends for talented grand masters, young promising sportsmen, on organization and conducting the tournaments. This one of the most important missions of project that we welcome”, said Vitaly Klitschko.

“Geo-social Games - project is designed to unite under its wing, people of different religions, races and nationalities, all age groups and various social stratum. A unique symbiosis of physical and intellectual possibilities can change the social image of the planet. I’m very pleased that project is being realized with great sportsman of our time Vitaly Klitschko on the basis of developments of Ukrainian experts, said Mr. Ilyumzhinov.

Thanks to development of modern means of communication the developers are counting on 500 million active players’ audience within 1.5-2 years.

The authors and project developers are Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, FIDE President, Mr. Vitaly Klitschko, World Boxing Champion, Mr. Alexander Krasyuk, CEO of “K2 Promotions”, Anatoly Yatsenko, President of Ukrainian Draughts Federation, Vladimir Kolomiez and Oleg Savchuk, project developers and coordinators.

You can find a video and update at Russian news site Chess News.

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