
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Heart of Finland Chess Tournament from July 9

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

We have a nice chess tournament news via Chessdom. For the 22nd time in a row the town of Jyväskylä organises the most important chess tournament of its country, the Heart of Finland Open. From 9th to 15 July more than 150 players are expected to be competing for title of the champion, the category prizes, rating points, and simply for the joy of playing chess.

The dates coincide with the town’s Summer Festival, a rich cultural week with theatre and music performances on the streets of Jyväskylä – a pleasant spare time programme for the participants. Besides the Summer Festival, an evening cruise is organised for the players on the Lake Päijänne – an excursion which, the author of this article can highly recommend!
For more information on the tournament please contact the organisers from the official website.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

1 comment:

  1. alexis cochran, nzMay 17, 2012 at 12:48 PM

    coolest chess tournament is it?


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