
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Has 2012 World Chess Championship Anand vs Gelfand Begun a Day Earlier?

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

Going by the photo we are tempted to assume that the 2012 World Chess Championship has begun a day earlier as current world chess champion Vishy Anand and challenger Boris Gelfand sit across the chess board. But, that's not so. This photo is from the inspection that the two teams conducted on Wednesday, a day before the official opening ceremony. In fact, both the grandmasters visited the venue at the same time. You can find lots of photos at the official website of this grand chess event. There would be live broadcast from the playing hall as well. 

Do you know who will be the commentators and guests of honour at the event?On each day of play there will be commentary on the games in Russian by grandmaster Ilya Smirin (Israel), and he’ll be joined by a number of colleagues: Sergei Rublevsky on 11–12 May, Dmitry Yakovenko on 14 May, Viorel Bologan on 15 May, Alexander Grischuk on 17–18, 20 and 23–24 May, Peter Svidler on 21 and 26 May, and Vladimir Kramnik on 28 May.

The regular commentator in English will be Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam, editor in chief of New in Chess, and other commentators working with the English-speaking audience will be Nigel Short on 11–12 May, Jan Timman on 14–15 May, Joel Lautier on 17 May, Peter Svidler on 18, 23–24 and 28 May, Peter Leko on 20–21 May, and Vladimir Kramnik on 26 May.

The world champions Anatoly Karpov and Garry Kasparov, the long-standing challenger for the champion’s title Viktor Korchnoi, the world’s oldest grandmaster Yuri Averbakh, the composer Vladimir Dashkevich, the pianist Nikolai Lugansky and other prominent chess players and cultural figures have agreed to be guests of honour at the match.

Don't go anywhere, stay with us right here on Chess Blog and we would keep you surfing in the right direction for all the latest on the 2012 Vishy-Gelfand World Chess Match.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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