
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Estonian Chess Championships 2012 Conclude

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

The latest chess news update via Chessdom is that the Estonian Chess Championships for men and women were held concurrently on 1-7th May in Tallinn. Both groups were round robin events. Mark Lapidus, the lowest rated participant in the men’s section, is the surprising winner of the Championship having collected 6.5/9 points and leaving the opposition full point behind.

Most of the Estonian top players boycotted the tournament. In the women’s event WIM Tatyana Fomina emerged champion after edging the second-placed WCM Triin Narva by half a point.

Final standings (Men):1. Lapidus Mark 2075 – 6.5
2-4. Kukk Sander 2139, Ezov Roman 2162 and IM Seeman Tarvo 2398 – 5.5
5-6. IM Sepp Olav 2474 and FM Vovk Ilja 2233 – 4.5
7. Ladva Ottomar 2143 – 4
8. Koop Vyacheslav 2201 – 3.5
9. Vorobjov Pavel 2167 – 3
10. Krupenski Juri 2294 – 2.5

Final standings (Women):
1. WIM Fomina Tatyana 2203 – 6
2. WCM Narva Triin 1991 – 5.5
3. WFM Vahtra Tuuli 2009 – 5
4. WIM Tsiganova Monika 2181 – 4.5
5. WFM Narva Regina R 2059 – 4
6-7. Narva Mai 1741 and WIM Piarnpuu Leili 2109 – 3.5
8-9. WFM Sagadijeva Anna 1900 and Kruusiauk Heda 1951 – 2

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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