
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Anand Gelfand 2012 World Chess Championship:Game 7 Moves with Analysis; Will Anand strike Back in Game 8?

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

The first decisive game in the 2012 Anand Gelfand World Chess Championship has happened with Boris Gelfand winning Game 7 on Sunday. Will the reigning world chess champion fight back tomorrow? Your guess is as good as ours. The score now stands in favour of the challenger from Israel Gelfand-Anand 4-3.

For Game 7 Moves with Houdini analysis, tune in to

For live updates on Game 8 tomorrow with Viswanathan Anand playing white, tune in to

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


  1. amrit puri, knights chess club, new delhiMay 20, 2012 at 12:55 PM

    This is the saddest report I ever read on Chess Blog :( I hope Vishy wins tomorrow. Thanks for the regular updates though. I liked the way you kept us posted by the page. I was at extra time work this Sunday and could not watch the match. not allowed in office but could get fb updates.

  2. Ruchir Pradhan, Mumbai, IndiaMay 20, 2012 at 1:03 PM

    It seems Anand's team did not prepare for this or what? Did they think that Gelfand would change and play 1.e4 or what. They should have known that Gelfand would expect a6 and now try c5. It's very bad play by Anand's team. It's just unfair.

  3. saira fernandes, madridMay 20, 2012 at 1:09 PM

    It is to Gelfand's credit that he has won but Anand is known to spin magic. The match is not over yet.

  4. Let's admit it Vishy was passive. :(

  5. My view is that Anand will play a careful game next, to sort of calm down the match and lessen the pain of the blow he got, then another calm game with black and will only attempt to win hard on game number 10. He has a lot of match experience and so, the battle is still open. In these type of matches it's important not to panic and not to be complacent, just to concentrate and play solid with black, and with white to complicate the game with tactics.

  6. I am disappointed for Vishy could have equally won the game from move 37.
    At move 37. Instead of Pawn(E3) to E2 move, if he played Rook(B1) to H1.

    So the moves for a Vishy win will look.
    37. Knight(C6) to E5, Rook(B1) to H1
    38. King(H2) to H1, Pawn(E3) to F2
    39. Knight(C5) to E6, Pawn(F2) to F1 (becomes queen) (check)
    40. King (H1) to H2, Queen(F1) to F4 (check)
    41. King (H2) to G1 or H1, Queen(F4) to E5 (removes White Knight)

    Vishy wins from here.
    All this if pawn becomes Queen at F1, in a classic game I am not sure.

    Anyways, Vishy should play some SuDoKu, to improve himself to get better ideas for a comeback in next game :)


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