
Monday, April 23, 2012

Valenti, Maria Rosa Win Italy Senior Men, Women Chess Championship 2012

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

Chessblog friend Adolivio Capece has just informed us about some chess news from the beautiful country of Italy. The Italian Senior Chess Championship 2012 has concluded in Arvier (Aosta Valley). A total of 44 players took part in the chess event. The winner was FM Giuseppe Valenti from Milano, with points 7.5 out of 9 (undefeated, 6 wins and 3 draws); he was leading the tournament since the beginning. He was also a member of the Italian team in the European team championship 2012.
Longest game of the event (Five hours and 40 minutes)
Valenti (left) – Facchetti 

Second place went to Gianni Facchetti, from Milano, who got 7 points. In the last round he played one of the longest games (against Laco). The game ended in a draw after 5 hours and 40 minutes.
Third place, thanks to the best tie-break, went to FM Carlo Barlocco from Legnano (small town near Milan) and fourth place went to Giuseppe Laco from Gorizia. Both scored 6.5 points.
It was not too good a tournament for top seed FM Antonio Rosino from Venice. 

Italy Senior Women's Chess Champion 2012 - Maria Rosa Centofante from Varese

Meanwhile, the chess tournament in the women's section was won by Maria Rosa Centofante from Varese. You can find more details and complete final standing plus games in pgn on the official website

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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