
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Top 5 Reasons Why You Can Never Give Up Chess!

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

We found this nice article sent to us by Swakilki in our weekly ChessBlog haul of emails. We have the letter here. So, how many reasons work for you? Or, do you have your own reasons. Enjoy.

Hello Chess Queen,

I have been a great fan of yours and find your energy boundless. Your recent game at the Russian Team Chess Championship (chessqueen Russian TCh: Kosteniuk Avoided Kramnik's Way Preferring an Utter Extreme<-- I like risk, and I proved it!) had me on the edge of my seat all through. Awesome.

I write to you about the top-5 reasons (in no particular order) why I could never give up chess. 

  • Chess is guaranteed to bring you out of your worst moods and depression any day, any time, and every time! You might lose a bit when you cannot focus, but even that helps lift your mood eventually. You escape into the beautiful world of the chessboard with no pain or worries.
  • Chess is way better than sex. Okay, okay, it's been said and refuted and said again. But, I go with it. So many positions, so many people, so many ideas, and surely safer than sex!!! with the same high - win or lose. 
  • Keeps you young forever. I am sure the legendary Korchnoi is a norm and not an exception. If the chess bug bites you, Life is Made. It's intensity will stay with you forever. Chess will never fail to excite you. Doesn't matter whether you reach grandmaster level or not. Chess will be your one loyal love forever.
  • Chess is better than drugs, better than television, better than endless time on the Internet, totally natural activity with no strain on eyes, keeps you involved all day, and there is always someone whom you can teach it to without any side-effects.
  • Chess Queen - As I said, the reasons are not listed in particular order. I will never give up chess because I like to go back to the Internet and check what's the latest thing Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk has done. The latest chess project for children, charity, fun, modeling, or simply a killer game in a high-profile tournament. I could never give up chess thanks to you Chess Queen and am sure a whole lot of people would agree with me out there. You have done a lot to make chess exciting, sexy, enjoyable, and plain lovely. 
Best wishes,

If you have a chess letter for Chess Queen, don't forget to send it to us! :)

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


  1. alexis cochran, nzApril 15, 2012 at 4:59 PM

    totally AGREE

  2. That's probably why I play almost everyday, and why I do my own chess blog. That wonderful software called Chess King makes it possible.

  3. Al-Khairun Qadir, MuscatApril 16, 2012 at 12:07 AM

    crazy about chess crazy about chess queen swakilki could not have put it better - love you chess queen i am your humblest chess fan

  4. Chess is just too awesome to even think of giving up :)


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