
Friday, April 27, 2012

Italian Team Chess Final Round Begins on Friday

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

Here is some more chess news from Italy. The final round of the Italian Team Championship starts on Friday (April 27) in Arvier (Aosta Valley) with players like Nakamura, Caruana, Gwain Jones, Marie Sebag, Alberto David and others. A total of 14 teams are competing for the 2012 team chess title. The event covers seven  rounds and includes about 20 grandmasters along with several international masters and young players from Italy. 

The schedule:
The tournament will start on Friday April 27th afternoon (at 3 pm).
Rounds 2 and 3 on Saturday 28th (start at 8.45 and 15.30)
Fourth round on Sunday 29th (at 3 pm)
Rounds 5 and 6 on Monday 30th (start at 8.45 and 15.30)
Last round (7th) on May 1st (start at 8.45)

Live games and results on
The favourite is ‘Obiettivo Risarcimento’. It would be interesting to know who would be the official first board from among Nakamura and Caruana. The champions of Pesaro will try to repeat the exploit of last year, and the same will try Nereto, but the team of Chieti (with Jones and Marie Sebag) seems dangerous.

Starting from Saturday 28th is also the women's team chess championship of Italy. 

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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