
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Forni di Sopra: Play Chess in the Heart of Italian Alps from June 16

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

Want to play chess in an authentic village in Europe? Check out the 2nd International Chess Tournament of Forni di Sopra that is taking place from June 16-23 in Forni di Sopra, part of the Friulian Dolomites Natural Park and one of the jewels of the Italian Alps.

The previous edition was won by GM Carlos Matamoros. The Academia Internazionale di Scacchi, Circolo Scacchistico Udinese, ScacchiRandagi, FSI and Comune Forni di Sopra are organising the event in the Palasport of Forni di Sopra. The complex includes swimming pool / gym with large and bright conference rooms no more than 5 minutes walking distance from the centre.

The A section is available to players with an elo above 2000, 9 rounds Swiss system , time control 90′x 40 moves + 30′ + 30”
The B section is open to players with an elo above 1600 ELO (and lower than 2000 ELO), 8 rounds Swiss system, time control 90′x 40 moves + 30′ + 30” . The C section is open to players with an elo under 1600, 8 rounds Swiss system, time control 90′x 40 moves + 30′ + 30 ”. The total prize money amounts to 10,000 Euro. Top three prizes in the Open A are 1400, 900 and 700 EUR respectively.
The tournament will be covered on and www.accademiainternazionalediscacchi.comand the top 30 boards will be broadcasted live.
From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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