
Friday, March 30, 2012

Israel-India team chess match from April 2-4

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

According to an Indian chess news report, Grandmaster Krishnan Sasikiran will head the Indian team in a special match with Israel from April 2 to 4 in New Delhi. The match is being organised as a curtainraiser to the upcoming World Chess Championship to be held in May in Moscow. Besides Sasikiran, GM and current National Champion Abhijeet Gupta, Grandmaster B Adhiban and Grandmaster G N Gopal complete the Indian line up. 

The Israeli team includes Grandmaster Illya Smirin, Grandmaster Tal Baron, Grandmaster Vitaly Golod and Gil Popliski. The match will be spread over three rounds and each player will play against all players of the other country at least once. There will be 12 games in all.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

1 comment:

  1. Statement from Vishwanathan Anand, World Chess Champion

    I am happy to note that Chess teams from India and Israel will play in the India Israel Chess Match in Delhi. I wish the players all success and hope it will provide the right background for the world championship match later in May.
    Both countries have a lot of promising young talent and we will surely witness a lot of entertaining games.
    My regards and wishes to the players. A special word of mention to the AICF for bringing this event to India and we hope to witness many such events in the future.


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