
Friday, March 9, 2012

Is Chess Less Sexy 'Cause of Ban on Revealing Clothes at Tournaments?

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hi everyone,

We found this interesting article in the Daily Mail. The debate is ongoing. But, it is interesting to have some guidelines - do they really add to the decorum of a chess tournament and make it more professional? Enjoy reading, and do leave a comment if you have something to say!

Checkmate! 'No cleavage' dress code makes chess tournaments less sexy than ever
PUBLISHED: 13:09 GMT, 9 March 2012 | UPDATED: 13:16 GMT, 9 March 2012

In chess, the ultimate battle of wits, concentration is key.
So imagine trying to stay a step ahead while your opponent's plunging neckline looms inches from your pawns.
A women's chess championship taking place in Turkey is the first since strict rules were introduced to stop players flaunting their bodies.
Make your move: A new dress code for chess tournaments means revealing clothes are banned

And though it's never been the sexiest of pastimes, now its governing body, the European Chess Union, has seen to it that competitors of both sexes will have to dress more modestly.

In the city of Gaziantep, those taking part in the European Individual Women Chess Championships have been told that blouses must be open no lower than the second-top button.

The union's general secretary, Woman Grandmaster Sava Stoisavljevic, brushed off suggestions that the new dress code might stop women distracting male opponents.
Rules: A women's chess tournament currently being held in Turkey is the first since the European code came in effect

Instead, she said, the wide-ranging rules were brought in to restore a sense of decorum to the game after tournament bosses noticed many of the players were not wearing 'proper clothes'.

'I was here during three rounds and I've got an impression that we have to work much more on those regulations,' Mrs Stoisavljevic said. She added: 'Once, when I was working as an arbiter, I warned one player, even though there were no any rules at that time, because she kept coming to the playing hall dressed like someone who was going to the beach.'

And on players who like to show a little leg, she said: 'It's nice to see chess players with short skirts – they are very pretty girls. But I believe there should still be some limit.'

The European code makes no such demands, but others dictate that skirts should be no shorter than 5-10cm above the knee.


'In respect to shirts, the second from the top button may also be opened in addition to the very top button'
Clothes 'should be crisp and show no excessive wear, no holes and shall be free of body odor'
High heels are in, flip-flops are out
The rules demand 'a pulled-together, harmonious, complete look with colors, fabrics, shoes and accessories, for both men and women'
After two warnings, verbal and then written, 'If a player is then still in breach of the Dress Code he/she can be sent back to dress appropriately'
'Spectators not properly attired will have to leave the playing area'

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


  1. alexis cochran, nzMarch 9, 2012 at 11:28 AM

    guess it's about decorum - in any case it's less distracting.

  2. saira fernandes, madridMarch 9, 2012 at 11:33 AM

    sex appeal is in the chess not the dress - i am sure. all you guys looking for cleavages should try other sports.

  3. amrit puri, knights chess club, new delhiMarch 9, 2012 at 11:46 AM

    the whole idea is demands of the profession. it is great to have women players dress well but they don't need to go all out on dress ideas. it is not modelling. they can dress how they want on the ramp. unfortunately i never have women play in tournaments i play.

  4. Hamid Al Gufran, Cairo, EgyptMarch 9, 2012 at 2:11 PM

    dress code is a good idea. less distraction for sure but also helps in making the image of chess as a serious sport better. nice for the image of chess.

  5. brenda kroll, berlinMarch 9, 2012 at 2:48 PM

    I think no sensible woman chess player hopes to have a gm give is queen for free to her if she is dressed provocatively. of course sometimes what might be part of someone's culture or natural dressing sense be disturbing for someone else. so a general code for an international audience so that a harmony is maintained is good i think. sometimes i go to asian countries and i take extra care to dress conservatively. i would wear a miniskirt without thinking in europe but you cannot do that in asia. it all depends really so a general rule for public events is good. also maybe each situation as a certain ethos to it. you cannot go dressed like a beach person to a tournament neither can you go dressed like a chartered accountant to the beach. so it's good. in any case it's good for image of chess as a sport.

  6. You can make out if a dress style is part of a womans personality ir she has gone out of her way to dress stupidly provocatively or badly but people do that both men and women so such rules are good. In any case the rules are quite normal i find nothing wrong with them. If you take chess seriously you would have already been dressing according to new rules. A professional presentation is likeable.

  7. So bad... I was hoping to assist to a bikini chess tournament

  8. This is ridiculous. I don't care what my opponent wears -- I'm not looking at them, I'm looking at the chessboard.

  9. Ajit Matthews, New DelhiMarch 9, 2012 at 11:48 PM

    I once played an opponent dressed in real low neck. Yes as a guy it was natural for me to glance at her but worse was when i had this huge crowd of useless hangers on at my table - obviously to look at her. Then one time i had tough time playing this gm reeking of alcohol bad breath it ruined my day my game. Players should have proper dress sense after all chess is a public event

  10. I think people sometimes have a ridiculous sense of dress - mainly we chess player - we dont do it purposely i have many friends as examples they just dont have any awareness at times we being chess players with typical personalities so such guidelines are good

  11. I dont mind if carlsen plays without his shirt

  12. Is not dress restriction infringement of democratic rights?

  13. Who cares what your opponent wears as long as they lose to you

  14. Why do chess players need to be told how to dress

  15. Jorge Carlos MartinezMarch 10, 2012 at 5:11 AM

    This whole women chess thing is wrong most don't know how to play and go to tournaments to model or pick up boyfriends that explains their dress attitude.

  16. Jaish Mohd, IslamabadMarch 10, 2012 at 5:22 AM

    The dress code is too liberal why not something like for the Olympics opening ceremony parade

  17. Chess has such a stuffy image, but now we have many beautiful ladies playing at the highest level. This introduction of glamour to the sport can only be a good thing and will lead to greater exposure (no pun intended) of chess. I think as long as women (and men) dress smartly, they should not be told what they can and can't wear. Just how far do you go? If shapely players must cover up, what about beautiful ladies like Alexandra Kosteniuk, Sanja Dedijer, Regina Pokorna, Anna Muzychuk etc, should they wear a paper bag over their heads for being too pretty? Consider women's tennis, image and fashion are taken very seriously with many players now earning further income from modelling and photo shoots. This glamorous and sexy image of women's tennis has seen an explosion of interest in the sport and has done nothing but good for all involved. Just look at the prize money in women's tennis now, this has all been due to the sport embracing it's glamorous image and promoting it as such, thus attracting far more sponsors! The European Chess Union should re-think their stance on this issue, for women to be told to hide their sexuality is a gross example of sexual discrimination and has no place in the 21st century.

  18. A part of the challenge of chess is that you take on an opponent - chess moves, personality, attitude et al. Part of the dress thing is part of the psychological aspect of the chess battle. it is part of the challenge to beat an opponent no matter how he intimidates you dress, attitude, everything included. think the code doesn't really matter. thank you.

  19. I think it is sexy to checkmate your opponent. I think it is sexy the way a woman carries herself and presents her personality as compared to how much nudity she displays. I think a woman playing chess all covered is no less sexy. If someone is distracted by how she dresses then the problem is with them.

  20. Kenneth Parker, ManchesterMarch 10, 2012 at 9:38 AM

    i think the EC needs to define first what is revealing and what is a chess player's individual right to make a style statement? Let's not start moral policing now in chess too. Don't we have enough diktats about stuff going around the planet any way? Wear what you like, let's decide the battle on the chess board!

  21. Kenneth Parker, ManchesterMarch 10, 2012 at 9:39 AM

    Sorry must use another comment box a second time. I think chess gives us guys the rare opportunity to take on women without them being given any handicap. We meet on equal turf. A well-dressed, sexy lady across the board makes me play the best chess.

  22. For god sake let's not make a Taliban situation out of this - oh boy!

  23. Kathy Wolff, FrankfurtMarch 10, 2012 at 9:52 AM

    just one rule - come freshly bathed not drunk should be enough for men. women in any case don't need any dress rule. we are the trendsetters we know what to wear.

  24. who decides what is 'sexy' or 'revealing' and 'distracting'? I appreciate a beautiful woman who knows how to dress well and i appreciate her more for her chess moves. once game begins it doesn't matter what she is wearing.

  25. Come on folks finally chess players are getting the awe and romance of it all. finally the image is getting a makeover. we are no longer the shabby nerds who live in a time warp. All you exciting men and women of chess let's go rock the world. Chess is sexier, exciting, more passionate than tennis. Time for the planet to take notice. We know how to kill - with looks and moves. Are you up for the challenge. The fire burns strong - dare to match?

  26. why do we have to debate everything?

  27. Chess goes the bowling way - duh

    I know that’s what everyone is talking about, but they’re actually missing the real story: women bowlers will no longer be able to flash their washboard abs during competition.

    In bowling, PROP approved a new rule that states the bottom half of the player uniform shall have at least a four-inch inseam.

    The uniform bottoms should fit loosely at the opening above the knee. Loose-fitting shirts are to be tucked into the lower body garment or folded. Form-fitting shirts may be worn, but at no time should a student-athlete show a bare abdomen or midriff, including during the completion of a shot.

    Also, the official will be the only person allowed to make a ruling on a foul decision. Previously, coaches were permitted to make rulings of this nature.

    Women’s bowling was already fledgling as a spectator sport, and now they do this? How do they expect to ever win back the fans?

  28. who cares? can i complain to the arbiter if my opponent opens the third button midway during the game?

  29. stephen david, londonMarch 10, 2012 at 11:06 AM

    don't forget to remove the overhead cameras!

  30. Россия девушки красивые

  31. sebastian wolff, nyMarch 10, 2012 at 11:18 AM

    my daughter is very pretty and plays killer chess. i rather not stop her from bringing the best out in her personality. she knows what looks great on her and what is within the propriety of good dress sense.

  32. i don't get it. what's the fuss?

  33. Marcos Carpentar, AmsterdamMarch 10, 2012 at 11:59 AM

    Yes I agree some women really overdress with stupid outfits. Takes the seriousness of chess away. CHESS IS FOR SERIOUS PEOPLE. I think women should stop belittling it.

  34. No estoy de acuerdo con la prohibición

  35. why should mere mortals like me denied such heartwarming turnout of these goddesses :)

  36. aren't the guy chess players protesting?

  37. Al-Khairun Qadir, MuscatMarch 10, 2012 at 1:02 PM

    good measure. it will prevent misuse of media and chess. i see the world driven by glamour. it is time not to let chess this misuse be in chess and media related to chess. we must follow all religion and rules and fundamental principles of goodness. it is not good to excite men players. it is also nothing fair in sporting world. would you allow one kind of football teams to wear funny clothes and be distracting the opponent team. or even referee. also it is easy to manage if rules are followed. thank you for printing my opinion ms chess queen alexandra kosteniuk of russia.

  38. @Marcos Carpentar & Hamid Al Gufran:
    What women wear 1) is none of your business, and 2) has nothing to do with whether they're serious about chess or not.

    Personally, I think men should stop "belittling" chess by being perverts and creeps. Unlike wearing attractive garments, being an a*hole is actually not ok.

  39. niels boehm, stuttgartMarch 10, 2012 at 1:45 PM

    I don't get it. How does it affect the chess?

  40. i just want to ask how would you feel if someone turned up at your table like they were going to walk the ramp or the beach? Would you be able to play properly? Definitely not I think. Sometimes people use dress as part of psychological trick to overcome your mind. it's all about the mind. i support the ban.

  41. Trust me sometimes chess player dress so badly and when they give interviews i feel bad before my non-chess friends so its good its more of a dress code than a ban.

  42. Some like open and semi-open positions, whereas others prefer close games still..

  43. I am amused about audience included in dress code you mean no cheerleaders no dressed up fans no painted faces?

  44. I think the dress code is for APROPRIATE DRESSING not ruining someone's style? Bt everyone has diff definition for appropriatedressing

  45. The Third Angle from ZurichMarch 10, 2012 at 3:26 PM

    Chess is boring as a spectator sport please dont make it more boring

  46. joshua preston, arlingtonMarch 10, 2012 at 3:33 PM

    Please i dont want my teenage sons to go to a tournament where women are dressed provocatively or badly. You should see how some of these girls dress there is a difference between sophistication and bad. Thanks.

  47. Best is to give me the point if my opponent comes wearing a witch mask rest is anything goes.

  48. Why would anyone in their right mind wear revealing clothes to a chess tournament in the first place trust me the guys dont notice

    1. Oh yes they do jenny

    2. Who said chess was for rightminded people

  49. chandramohan, kathmandu, nepalMarch 10, 2012 at 4:18 PM

    I see nothing wrong in the dress code. This debate is a non-issue.

  50. Hat do the aliens think?

  51. The dress code is only for main fide events so most of us are not affected i think

  52. Why not uniforms? Makes dress code easy to implement no?

  53. It should be everyones choice



  56. the SAME thing should be said about woman wearing a Head Scarf (or burka) to the tournament. They could be concealing aiding equipments with headphones.


  58. Natasha, Angers (Maine et Loire)March 11, 2012 at 1:40 AM

    why is the world always heading towards ghetto mentality? why we want to police everyone whenever the opportunity arises. yes chess is about rules of the game but please chess players are adults and tournaments are not under-18 movies. i see no logic behind this move of dress code.

  59. unless players start protesting no extra rules should be imposed on them. its like controlling kids. not very fair really.

  60. Dress smartly and you’ll “feel like a million bucks”! It sounds cliché but it’s true dress smartly and your whole demeanor changes, if you’re wearing a designer suit you might notice your posture improves, your back’s straight and you ooze with confidence, dress like Bhangraman from Goodness Gracious Me and you might find your self in a slightly squatted position doing the light bulb dance which is likely to deter most ladies. Unfortunately in this day and age you are what you wear and it’s how people make their first impressions of you.
    read more here:

  61. deborah j. Mcgarth, LondonMarch 11, 2012 at 4:38 AM

    dress is too personal a thing. let the guidelines only cover cleanliness and hygiene that is all. thanks

  62. selena gomes, liverpoolMarch 11, 2012 at 5:29 AM

    i think i won't like to play a tournament if someone has to tell me what to eat or drink or wear. i just wouldn't be comfortable.

  63. san tan, call me fanMarch 11, 2012 at 5:45 AM

    i like magnus carlsen and alexandra kosteniuk's dress style. if the dress code does not interfere with their styles - i don't care. :)

  64. please we are europe let's not go the saudi arabia way - no offence intended

  65. why don't they conduct an open poll at the ongoing euro women chess championship?

  66. Ashwin Sanghi, Pune, IndiaMarch 11, 2012 at 3:09 PM

    Come on folks its not some school exam its a chess tournament

  67. This is too much the code will not help with chess image please rethink

  68. I really hope such silly things don't come up in the chess world people already have nerdy image about us chess players the dress code will only add to the image we become a laughing stock really

  69. i read somewhere where they say that they had to do the rules because audience was commenting so should they not check the audience i find this whole thing very funny next we will have dress rules for theater and movies

  70. stephen david, londonMarch 13, 2012 at 7:04 AM

    the logic of it all beats me - would you tell tennis players to wear pants because cameramen are focusing upon them or the audience is going crazy or making comments. we are an adult society or what?


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