
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Nigel Short wins the Gibraltar Chess Masters after a tense play-off with Hou Yifan

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hello everyone,

Congratulations to Nigel Short who has won the Gibraltar Masters following a tense but exhilarating play-off against Women's World Champion Hou Yifan. Nigel won the play-off 1½-½.

Congratulations to Hou Yifan for such an amazing performance... and the year has only begun!

The results of Nigel Short in Gibraltar
2003 =1st-2nd with Krotonias
2004 Clear first
2005 did not participate
2006 =2nd-3rd with Sutovsky (Winner) Kiril Georgiev
2007-2010 did not participate
2011 clear 2nd (Winner Ivanchuk)
2012 1st winner of tie-break with Hou Yifan 1½-½

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at


  1. jane bentley, londonFebruary 2, 2012 at 2:18 PM

    congrats to nigel short and hou yifan amazing show by the teenager gm short did well to win. a little sad for yifan. maybe the girl factor. but truly hou yifan has set the pace now.

  2. my comment disappeared i think :( rewriting

    It was a great show by the teenager and you should chess queen surely passed the baton to a worthy successor. all that chess queen predicted about hou yifan is coming true. it is so delightful.

  3. Hou Yifan is set to gain about 35 points from this event. Few more such events she will be 2700+. She was last invited to Corus B in 2008! Will she play with Carlsen in 2013 in tata steel A?

  4. amrit puri, knights chess club, new delhiFebruary 2, 2012 at 2:28 PM

    After Short's fxe5 can Hou play Bb4 attack queen and save her piece or be piece up for two pawns?

  5. No one is now going to ask who's that girl!

  6. Md Jaish, Kuala LumpurFebruary 2, 2012 at 3:26 PM

    Judit Polgar had not lost to another woman since losing to Susan Polgar in 1992! - Some people are saying this but I would like to point out a win by Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk over Judit Polgar too. (I hope it is allowed to post two comments back to back. Thanks. Love Chess Queen.)

  7. So we have now only two woem who have beaten judit - kosteniuk and yifan :)

  8. Error i meant only two women

  9. What's she doing crushing is hand in the photo or what? Splendid performance hou.

  10. In the final round Nigel had the daunting task of needing to beat Krishnan Sasikiran with the black pieces, something he duly did. With that he was tied for first with the girl who was still a foetus when he played his World Championship match against Garry Kasparov in 1983. - great comment on chessbase! HOU YIFAN IS MY HERO.

  11. of course hou yifan did great but the way the world champion has been playing i think more congrats to nigel short for being able to stop the chinese dragon when none else were. surely a historical event with Hou showing a glimpse of what is to come.

  12. The sweet chinese dragon breathing fire - congrats to GM Short for surviving.

  13. Chinese wonder on a roll. Watch out everyone!

  14. great photo great tourney great show by Hou and a memorable tournament. Thank you for all the report Chess Queen. I love reading your blog and how informed it keeps me about the chess world.

  15. All credit to the Gibraltar organisers really for bringing together such a jewel of a line-up for the tournament. The games have been memorable and Hou will surely be remembered long for her historic play in this event. You chose a worthy successor actually Chess Queen!

  16. san tan, call me fanFebruary 3, 2012 at 12:17 PM

    Please invite Carlsen also next time, and Aronian, and Alexandra Kosteniuk, and Ivanchuk, and Svidler. Thank you.




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