
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Make your own chess piece flash drive!

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hello everyone,

We love hobby projects with chess. Here is one very nice one for the weekend. You will love it. It's about how to make your own chess piece flash drive. Congrats to Deslivres (Thomas Maillioux)  for coming up with this! He writes: I'm a French librarian trying to learn something every day - and when I learn something really neat, I love to share it with people around me :) 
Things you will need
A USB flash drive without a case, or one whose case you're willing to sacrifice
A computer with Inkscape to design your chess piece silhouette parts (or you can build from the file attached to this Instructable)
Your chess piece silhouette parts, of course
A small bottle of loctite glue and small clamps/paper clips to hold the pieces together
A Dremel-like tool to make the final fittings for your flash drive
Optional : sandpaper and wood varnish for finishing touches

Check here for the complete method.

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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