
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Tata Steel Chess R7: Carlsen beats Gelfand, rejoins Aronian in joint lead

Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2012

Hello everyone,

Seventh Round at the Tata Steel Chess in Wijk Aan Zee saw World Chess Title Challenger Boris Gelfand caught on the wrong side of the Carlsen demolition squad. It just happened. So, Carlsen and Aronian are back in joint lead. Here are the full results of the round:

Round seven
Group A: Round 7 - Sat. Jan. 21st

  • Sergey Karjakin - Veselin Topalov 1-0
  • Hikaru Nakamura - Teimour Radjabov ½-½
  • Magnus Carlsen - Boris Gelfand 1-0
  • Gata Kamsky - David Navara 1-0
  • Loek van Wely - Anish Giri ½-½
  • Vugar Gashimov - Fabiano Caruana ½-½
  • Vassily Ivanchuk - Levon Aronian ½-½
The standings now have Magnus Carlsen and Levon Aronian at 5 points each, Radjabov is at 4.5, Caruana, Giri, Ivanchuk, Nakamura all are at 4, Van Wely is at 3.5, Topalov, Karjakin, Kamsky at 3 points, Gelfand at 2.5, Gashimov at 2 points and Navara at 1.5.

Here is the video of the round:

Check out the Carlsen-Gelfand game with Chess King.

Carlsen,M (2835) - Gelfand,B (2739)

Result: 1-0
Site: Wijk aan Zee NED
Date: 2012.01.21

[...] 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.¤f3 ¤f6 4.e3 ¥f5 5.¤c3 e6 6.¤h4 ¥g6 7.¤xg6 hxg6 8.¥d3 ¤bd7 9.O-O ¥d6 10.h3 dxc4 11.¥xc4 O-O 12.£c2 £e7 13.¦d1 ¦ac8 14.¥d2 ¤b6 15.¥f1 e5 16.dxe5 ¥xe5 17.¦ac1 ¦cd8 18.¥e1 ¦xd1 19.¦xd1 ¦d8 20.¦xd8+ £xd8 21.g3 £e7 22.¥g2 ¥d6 23.¥d2 £e6 24.b3 ¤bd5 25.¤e2 ¤b4 26.£b1 £f5 27.e4 £c5 28.¤f4 g5 29.¤e2 g4 30.h4 ¤d7 31.¥e3 £c2 32.£xc2 ¤xc2 33.¥xa7 ¥a3 34.¤c3 ¥b2 35.¤d1 ¥c1 36.¥f1 ¤b4 37.a4 ¤f6 38.e5 ¤d7 39.¥d4 ¤c2 40.¥c3 ¤c5 41.¥e2 ¤e4 42.¥xg4 ¤xc3 43.¤xc3 ¥b2 44.e6 fxe6 45.¥xe6+ ¢f8 46.¤e4 ¤d4 47.¤g5 ¢e7 48.¥g8 ¢f8 49.¥c4 ¢e7 50.¢g2 b5 51.¥g8 ¢f8 52.a5

From Alexandra Kosteniuk's
Also see her personal blog at

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